Another night
Another smoke-filled bar
I played my song
I played on my guitar
Reaching out to touch somebody's heart
There you were

You understood
The need inside of me
You believed
And set my spirit free
Beacause of you
I will never be afraid
You made me strong

All that I am
All that I do
All of my heart
You know it's all for you
For the times we cried
After all we've been through
For the dreams we shared
You know it's all for you

So here I am
I've wrote this song for you
To say a thank you
For everything you do
I'm gonna take this chance
Cause there's no looking back
From now on

All the love that I can give
All the joy that this could bring
All our dreams are coming true
In the film's heart-wrenching final scene,
as Gustavo Santaolalla's strings play one of
the saddest slow crescendos on record,
Ennis is by himself in his trailer, with the
life he chose not to live represented by
two blood-stained shirts and a faded
picture of Brokeback Mountain hanging
on his closet door. Outside, out of his reach,
lies a patch of green grass.
The uninvolving Ennis & Jack romance may
form the core of Brokeback Mountain, but what gives
the film its emotional resonance is the underlying tragedy
of a self-imposed unrealized life. Through Ennis'
self-imprisonment,Brokeback Mountain reminds us all
— regardless of sexual orientation — of the
opportunities we have chosen to miss in our lives in
order to conform.
And of how our existence has
been diminished as a result.Baby it's all for you
Baby it's all for you